import math import operator import datetime from collections import defaultdict # The goal of this code is to take in a threshold N and a set of avoidance M, and to produce, # for each 1 <= n <= N, the largest symmetric two-dimensional generalized arithmetic # progession (GAP) in [-n,n] containing no nonzero elements of M. # Example: If you wanted M to be the squares and to do N=100000, you would simply do: # M=Squares(100000) # AllMaxGAP(100000,M,1) # and just watch it go! See the description of AllMaxGAP for more info on the output # sumset(A,B) is quite self-explantory, and is used to combine two symmetric arithmetic progressions # into a single symmetric two-dimensional GAP def sumset(A, B): sumset = [(a+b) for a in A for b in B] return set(sumset) # Squares(N) builds the set of squares up to N. Squares were the first case we explored, but # as mentioned, the code can accomodate any desired set of avoidance. def Squares(N): M = set([a**2 for a in range(1,math.floor(math.sqrt(N))+1)]) return M # PM1(N) builds the set of numbers of the form p-1, up to N, where p is prime. def PM1(N): numbers = set(range(N, 1, -1)) M = [] while numbers: p = numbers.pop() M.append(p-1) numbers.difference_update(set(range(p*2, N+1, p))) return M # G keeps track of the "record" for the largest M-free GAP in [-N,N] for each N G=defaultdict(int) # OneDimMax takes as input the interval threshold N, a step size d, and a set of # avoidance M and finds the length of the longest symmetric AP in [-N,N] with # step size d which contains no element of M. def OneDimMax(N,d,M): m=0 for x in range(1,d+1): if x*d in M: break if -x*d in M: break if x*d > N: break m=m+1 return m # symAP simply takes in a step size d and a length L and builds the symmetric AP # {xd : |d|\leq L} def symAP(d,L): A=set([d*x for x in range (-L,L+1)]) return A # Opt2Dim takes in the interval threshold N, the set of avoidance M, # the two step sizes d1 and d2, and the # length in the d1 direction L1, and it determines how long the lenth # in the d2 direction can possibly be while remaining contained in # [-N,N] and remaining M free def Opt2Dim(N,d1,L1,d2,M): A=symAP(d1,L1) j=0 for y in range(1,math.floor(((N-d1*L1)/d2))+1): if sumset(A,set([-y*d2,y*d2])).intersection(M): break j=j+1 return j H=defaultdict(set) d1F=defaultdict(int) d2F=defaultdict(int) L1F=defaultdict(int) L2F=defaultdict(int) # MaxGAP is the main algorithm. It takes in the threshold N and the # set of avoidance M and determines the largest M-free GAP in [-N,N]. # It runs through all choices of larger step size d1, # all possible lengths L1 in the d1 direction (bounded by OneDimMax), then # once d1 and L1 are fixed, it runs through all admissible smaller step # sizes d2, and uses Opt2Dim to determine the maximal length L2 in the # d2 direction. Along the way it keeps track of the record holding GAP, # not just its size but its step sizes and lengths in each direction. # Finally, it prints all the details of the record holder, and stores # the maximal GAP in the dictionary H and the size in the dictionary G. def MaxGAP(N,M): start_time = Gmax=0 for d1 in range(2,N): #print(d1) for L1 in range(1,OneDimMax(N,d1,M)+1): s=min(d1,math.floor(N-d1*L1)) for d2 in range(1, s+1): j=Opt2Dim(N,d1,L1,d2,M) A=sumset(symAP(d1,L1),symAP(d2,j)) t=len(A) if t>Gmax: Gmax=t H[N]=A d1F[N]=d1 d2F[N]=d2 L1F[N]=L1 L2F[N]=j G[N]=math.floor((Gmax-1)/2) print(N) print("Size") print(G[N]) print("d1=") print(d1F[N]) print("L1=") print(L1F[N]) print("d2=") print(d2F[N]) print("L2=") print(L2F[N]) end_time = print(end_time-start_time) return # AllMaxGAP takes in the interval threshold N, the set of avoidance M, and a lower bound K, # and it finds the maximal M-free symmetric two-dimensional in [-n,n] for ALL K <= n <= N, # printing the sizes, step sizes d1 and d2, and lengths in each direction L1, L2, # of all the record holders along the way. # It actually starts at the "top" and works downward, exploiting the fact that, for example, # if you found that the largest M-free GAP in [-20000,20000] is actually contained in # [-17000,17000], then its actually the record holder for all 17000 \leq N \leq 20000, so you # might as well then turn your attention to N=16999. That's exactly what this algorithm does. def AllMaxGAP(N,M,K): start_time = n=N while n > K: MaxGAP(n,M) j=max(H[n]) for m in range(j,n+1): H[m]=H[n] d1F[m]=d1F[n] d2F[m]=d2F[n] L1F[m]=L1F[n] L2F[m]=L2F[n] n=j-1 end_time = print(end_time-start_time)