from collections import defaultdict from copy import copy from math import sqrt from math import ceil from math import floor from math import log import datetime # The goal of this code is, given a particular set X of positive integers and a threshold N, # to find the size of the largest subset(s) A of {1,2,...,N} (hereby denote by [1,N]) such that # no pair of elements of A differ by an element of X, as well at least some of the specific # qualifying sets of that maximal size. # To run all of this, you first need to load a dictionary called NUM, presumably from a pickled file. # Specifically, you choose a set X of "bad" differences, an initial interval size N0, and an # "extension" length m. The dictionary encodes, for every bad difference-free subset A of [1,N0], # the maximum number of terms in an extension B in [N0+1,N0+m] such that the union # of A and B remains bad difference-free. For example, the file NUM35100.p # stores, for each square difference free subset of [1,35], encoded into single integers via binary expansion, # the maximal number of integers in [36,135] that can appended to the set while maintaining a lack of square differences. # As a reference, for the squares, NUM35100.p took about two weeks to build on a personal laptop. # It's size when unpickled is about 2GB. The code to build this dictionary, # as well as instructions for running, pickling, and unpickling, are in a separate file called DifferencesPrep. # Also, if the goal is to push N as far as possible, the process should be somewhat progressive, # in the sense that if you want to effectively run the algorithm # for a specific value of N then you should already know the "answer", meaning the SIZE of the largest bad difference-free # set, for all values less than N, or at least pretty close. Those answers should be stored in a dictionary # that is then used as input into the main algorithm, which is called RothStyle # For example, suppose you knew the answers for 1 <= N <= 150, # and specifically that the answer for N=150 was 31. Then, if you wanted to try to do N=160, you should store all # the known answers up to 150 in a dictionary, called Dict let's say, so in particular Dict[150]=31. You should also # go ahead and define Dict[N]=31 for 151 <= N <= 160, and input Dict into the appropriate place in the main algorithm. # Example of execution: Suppose the set of bad differences is the squares, we've already done everything up to N=236, the # answer for 236 is 47, all the results are stored in a dictionary called DF, and we want to try N=242, # so we also define DF[N]=47 for 237 <= N <= 242. # Suppose also that we have our pickled dictionary NUM35100.p as described above. The following # sequence would do the job: # X=squares(300) # RothStyleInit(35,X) # import pickle # NUM= pickle.load( open( "NUM35100.p", "rb" )) this can take a while if the file is large # RothStyle(242,35,100,X,47,DF) this is precisely the farthest we've gotten so far for squares, and it took about a month # As the algorithm runs, if it finds any new "record holders", it prints the integers that encode the sets via their binary expansion. # In particular, if you copy one of these integers (call it x), let S=bin(x), and then run GetSet(S), you can actually see these # maximal sets with no differences that lie in X. # Everything that goes into the RothStyle algorithm is done and explained below. # 'Good' will store ALL bad difference free subsets of [1,N0] containing 1, encoded into single integers via their binary expansion, # where N0 is the threshold from the stored NUM dictionary Good=defaultdict(set) # In the initial stage, D keeps track of the size of the largest square difference free subsets of [1,N0] D=defaultdict(int) # squares(N) builds the set of squares up to N def squares(N): X= set([a**2 for a in range(1,floor(sqrt(N))+1)]) return X # PM1(N) builds the set of p-1 up to N def PM1(N): numbers = set(range(N, 1, -1)) X = [] while numbers: p = numbers.pop() X.append(p-1) numbers.difference_update(set(range(p*2, N+1, p))) return X # RothStyleInit takes as input the interval threshold N and the set of "bad" differences X, and encodes ALL bad difference free # subsets of [1,N0] containing 1 and stores them in Good[N0]. The way it does this is by encoding the set of bad differences into an integer T, # then calling the function BasicDFS, which is explained below. The threshold N0 here should correspond to the threshold in the stored # NUM dictionary, and we could probably just store the Good[N0] as well, but it only takes a second anyway. def RothStyleInit(N0,X): start_time = T=0 for x in range(1,N0+1): if x in X: T=T+2**(x-1) BasicDFS(1,N0,T) print(D[N0]) end_time = print(end_time-start_time) # BasicDFS takes as input an integer x (encoding a "bad" difference free set of integers via its binary representation), # the initial interval threshold N0, and an integer T (encoding the set of bad differences via its binary representation). # After checking if the set encoded by x is a new "record holder", or if the encoded set has reached the end of the interval, # the function builds a new integer by appending a 0 # to the binary expansion of x, which represents the choice to NOT include the next available integer in the set, and also, # provided the inclusion of the next integer does not induce a square difference, the function also builds a new integer by # appending a 1 to the binary expansion of x, which represents the choice TO include the next available integer in the set # The newly constructed integer(s) are then fed back to the function, with the same N0 and T. In the end, this function encodes # all bad difference free subsets of [1,N0] which "start" with the set encoded by x, and it stores them in Good[N0]. # Therefore, when RothStyleInit calls BasicDFS(1,N0,T), it encodes ALL bad difference free subsets of [1,N0] containing 1 def BasicDFS(x,N0,T): s=bin(x) n=len(s)-2 j=s.count('1') if j>D[N0]: D[N0]=copy(j) if n==N0: Good[N0].add(x) return else: w=x<<1 BasicDFS(w,N0,T) if not x&T: BasicDFS(w+1,N0,T) # RothStyle is the main algorithm. Once we have the depickled NUM dictionary and the initial Good[N0] collection of encoded sets, # we loop through all the elements of Good[N0], extending the bad difference free sets in all possible ways, while pruning the tree # along the way if the set gets too small, or we know from the NUM dictionary that the set can't be extended densely enough, # to set a new "record". This is done by calling DFS, which has a built in "potential" test to determine when a particular set # should be discarded. If new record holders are found, they are printed (in their encoded, single integer forms). # Note all the inputs here: N is the desired threshold, N0 is the initial interval size and m is the extension size used # in the imported dictionary discussed at the top of this file, X is the set of avoided differences, L is a lower bound # on the answer determined from running the algorithm for smaller values of N, and Dict is the dictionary of answers # determined from running the algorithm for smaller values of N. def RothStyle(N,N0,m,X,L,Dict): start_time = T=0 for x in range(1,N+1): if x in X: T=T+2**(x-1) counter=0 for x in Good[N0]: counter=counter+1 if counter%1000==0: print(counter) DFS(x,T,N,N0,m,L,Dict) print(D[N]) end_time = print(end_time-start_time) # DFS works the same as BasicDFS, except there's a built in check, called 'FinalPotential', that discards a set if it is provably # incapable of being extended to a new record holder. # Winners keeps track of sets found that are as big or bigger than the previous record. Winners=set() def DFS(x,T,N,N0,m,L,Dict): n=len(bin(x))-1 j=bin(x).count('1') if j>D[N]: print(j) print(x) D[N]=copy(j) if j>=L: Winners.add(x) print(x) if n==N+1: return else: w=copy(x)<<1 if FinalPotential(w,n,j,N,N0,m,L,Dict): DFS(w,T,N,N0,m,L,Dict) if not x&T: DFS(w+1,T,N,N0,m,L,Dict) # The three 'NewPotential' tests incorporate previously computed records for maximal bad difference free sets, as well as all the info # in the NUM dictionary, to determine if a set has a chance to be extended to a new record holder. 'Final Potential' just checks that a set # passes all three tests. def NewPotential1(w,n,j,N,N0,m,L,Dict): z=2**(N0)-1 y=w&z m1=min(m, N-n) m2=max(0,Dict[N-n-m]) if j+NUM[y,m1]+m2>=L: return True else: return False def NewPotential2(w,n,j,N,N0,m,L,Dict): C=ceil(N/2) if n>= C: return True else: z=2**(N0)-1 y=w&z m1=min(m, C-n) m2=max(0,Dict[C-n-m]) if j+NUM[y,m1]+m2>=ceil(L/2): return True else: return False def NewPotential3(n,j,N,L,Dict): K=max(1,ceil(L/2)-Dict[ceil(N/2)-n],L-Dict[N-n]) if j >= K: return True else: return False def FinalPotential(w,n,j,N,N0,m,L,Dict): if NewPotential1(w,n,j,N,N0,m,L,Dict) and NewPotential2(w,n,j,N,N0,m,L,Dict) and NewPotential3(n,j,N,L,Dict): return True else: return False # GetSet takes in a string and spits out the set of all bits of the string containing a 1 (shifted by 2 due to Pythons binary string conventions). # So, if we have a set encoded into an integer x, we simply let S=bin(x), and then GetSet(S) is the set we want. def GetSet(S): Y=set() for n in range(1,len(S)+1): if S[-len(S)-1+n]=='1': Y.add(n) Y=[y-2 for y in Y] return sorted(Y) #Everything saved from here down is completely rigorously verified data. DF is for squares, DPF is for p-1 DF = defaultdict(int) DF[1]=1 DF[2]=1 DF[3]=2 DF[4]=2 DF[5]=2 DF[6]=3 DF[7]=3 DF[8]=4 DF[9]=4 DF[10]=4 DF[11]=5 DF[12]=5 DF[13]=6 DF[14]=6 DF[15]=6 DF[16]=7 DF[17]=7 DF[18]=8 DF[19]=8 DF[20]=8 DF[21]=9 DF[22]=9 DF[23]=10 DF[24]=10 DF[25]=10 DF[26]=10 DF[27]=10 DF[28]=10 DF[29]=10 DF[30]=10 DF[31]=10 DF[32]=10 DF[33]=10 DF[34]=10 DF[35]=11 DF[36]=11 DF[37]=11 DF[38]=12 DF[39]=12 DF[40]=12 DF[41]=12 DF[42]=12 DF[43]=13 DF[44]=13 DF[45]=13 DF[46]=13 DF[47]=13 DF[48]=14 DF[49]=14 DF[50]=14 DF[51]=14 DF[52]=14 DF[53]=15 DF[54]=15 DF[55]=15 DF[56]=15 DF[57]=15 DF[58]=16 DF[59]=16 DF[60]=16 DF[61]=16 DF[62]=16 DF[63]=16 DF[64]=16 DF[65]=16 DF[66]=17 DF[67]=17 DF[68]=18 DF[69]=18 DF[70]=18 DF[71]=19 DF[72]=19 DF[73]=20 DF[74]=20 DF[75]=20 DF[76]=20 DF[77]=20 DF[78]=20 DF[79]=20 DF[80]=20 DF[81]=21 DF[82]=21 DF[83]=21 DF[84]=21 DF[85]=21 DF[86]=22 DF[87]=22 DF[88]=22 DF[89]=22 DF[90]=22 DF[91]=22 DF[92]=23 DF[93]=23 DF[94]=23 DF[95]=23 DF[96]=23 DF[97]=24 DF[98]=24 DF[99]=24 DF[100]=24 DF[101]=24 DF[102]=25 DF[103]=25 DF[104]=25 DF[105]=25 DF[106]=25 DF[107]=26 DF[108]=26 DF[109]=26 DF[110]=26 DF[111]=26 DF[112]=27 DF[113]=27 DF[114]=27 DF[115]=27 DF[116]=27 DF[117]=27 DF[118]=28 DF[119]=28 DF[120]=29 DF[121]=29 DF[122]=29 DF[123]=29 DF[124]=29 DF[125]=30 DF[126]=30 DF[127]=30 DF[128]=30 DF[129]=30 DF[130]=30 DF[131]=31 DF[132]=31 DF[133]=32 DF[134]=32 DF[135]=32 DF[136]=32 DF[137]=32 DF[138]=33 DF[139]=33 DF[140]=33 DF[141]=33 DF[142]=33 DF[143]=33 DF[144]=34 DF[145]=34 DF[146]=35 DF[147]=35 DF[148]=35 DF[149]=35 DF[150]=35 DF[151]=36 DF[152]=36 DF[153]=36 DF[154]=36 DF[155]=36 DF[156]=36 DF[157]=37 DF[158]=37 DF[159]=38 DF[160]=38 DF[161]=38 DF[162]=38 DF[163]=38 DF[164]=39 DF[165]=39 DF[166]=39 DF[167]=39 DF[168]=39 DF[169]=39 DF[170]=39 DF[171]=39 DF[172]=39 DF[173]=39 DF[174]=39 DF[175]=39 DF[176]=39 DF[177]=39 DF[178]=39 DF[179]=39 DF[180]=39 DF[181]=39 DF[182]=39 DF[183]=39 DF[184]=39 DF[185]=39 DF[186]=39 DF[187]=39 DF[188]=39 for n in range(189,199): DF[n]=40 for n in range(199,203): #double check 202 DF[n]=41 for n in range(203,206): DF[n]=42 for n in range(206,208): DF[n]=43 for n in range(208,219): DF[n]=44 for n in range(219,223): DF[n]=45 for n in range(223,236): DF[n]=46 for n in range(236,242): DF[n]=47 DF[242]=48 DPF=defaultdict(int) DPF[1]=1 DPF[2]=1 DPF[3]=1 DPF[4]=2 DPF[5]=2 DPF[6]=2 DPF[7]=2 DPF[8]=2 DPF[9]=3 DPF[10]=3 DPF[11]=3 DPF[12]=4 DPF[13]=4 DPF[14]=4 DPF[15]=4 DPF[16]=4 DPF[17]=4 DPF[18]=4 DPF[19]=4 DPF[20]=4 DPF[21]=4 DPF[22]=4 DPF[23]=4 DPF[24]=4 DPF[25]=4 DPF[26]=4 DPF[27]=4 DPF[28]=4 DPF[29]=4 DPF[30]=4 DPF[31]=4 DPF[32]=4 DPF[33]=5 DPF[34]=5 DPF[35]=5 DPF[36]=6 DPF[37]=6 DPF[38]=6 DPF[39]=6 DPF[40]=6 DPF[41]=6 DPF[42]=6 DPF[43]=6 DPF[44]=6 DPF[45]=6 DPF[46]=6 DPF[47]=6 DPF[48]=6 DPF[49]=7 DPF[50]=7 DPF[51]=7 DPF[52]=8 DPF[53]=8 DPF[54]=8 DPF[55]=8 DPF[56]=8 DPF[57]=8 DPF[58]=8 DPF[59]=8 DPF[60]=8 DPF[61]=8 DPF[62]=8 DPF[63]=8 DPF[64]=8 DPF[65]=9 DPF[66]=9 DPF[67]=9 DPF[68]=10 DPF[69]=10 DPF[70]=10 DPF[71]=10 DPF[72]=10 DPF[73]=10 DPF[74]=10 DPF[75]=10 DPF[76]=10 DPF[77]=10 DPF[78]=10 DPF[79]=10 DPF[80]=10 DPF[81]=10 DPF[82]=10 DPF[83]=10 DPF[84]=10 DPF[85]=10 DPF[86]=10 DPF[87]=10 DPF[88]=10 DPF[89]=10 DPF[90]=10 DPF[91]=10 DPF[92]=10 DPF[93]=10 DPF[94]=10 DPF[95]=10 DPF[96]=10 DPF[97]=10 DPF[98]=10 DPF[99]=10 DPF[100]=10 DPF[101]=10 DPF[102]=10 DPF[103]=10 DPF[104]=10 DPF[105]=11 DPF[106]=11 DPF[107]=11 DPF[108]=12 DPF[109]=12 DPF[110]=12 DPF[111]=12 DPF[112]=12 DPF[113]=12 DPF[114]=12 DPF[115]=12 DPF[116]=12 DPF[117]=12 DPF[118]=12 DPF[119]=12 DPF[120]=12 DPF[121]=12 DPF[122]=12 DPF[123]=12 DPF[124]=12 DPF[125]=12 DPF[126]=12 DPF[127]=12 DPF[128]=12 DPF[129]=12 DPF[130]=12 DPF[131]=12 DPF[132]=12 DPF[133]=13 DPF[134]=13 DPF[135]=13 DPF[136]=14 DPF[137]=14 DPF[138]=14 DPF[139]=14 DPF[140]=14 DPF[141]=14 DPF[142]=14 DPF[143]=14 DPF[144]=14 DPF[145]=14 DPF[146]=14 DPF[147]=14 DPF[148]=14 DPF[149]=14 DPF[150]=14 DPF[151]=14 DPF[152]=14 DPF[153]=15 DPF[154]=15 DPF[155]=15 for n in range(156,209): DPF[n]=16 for n in range(209,212): DPF[n]=17 for n in range(212,217): DPF[n]=18 for n in range(217,220): DPF[n]=19 for n in range(220,243): DPF[n]=20 for n in range(243,246): DPF[n]=21 for n in range(246,299): DPF[n]=22 for n in range(299,302): DPF[n]=23 for n in range(302,401): DPF[n]=24